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From Sofrino, pocket size 3 x 2.5 inches, 



Holy Archangel Raphael, Healer of Human Infirmities

Commemorated Nov. 21/Nov. 8

The Holy Archangel Raphael, whose name means “the healing of God,” is the curer of human infirmities (Tobit 3:16, 12:15)

On icons the Archangels are depicted in according to the character of their service:

Archangel Raphael holds a vessel with healing medications in his left hand, and with his right hand leads Tobias, carrying a fish for healing (Tobit 5-8).


Prayer to Archangel Raphael

First Prayer:

O great archangel the divine Raphael! Thou art the guide, the doctor and the healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my mental and physical illnesses, and bring me to the Throne of God, and pray His grace for my sinful soul, may God forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from all evil both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second Prayer:

O Great Archangel Raphael, you have been appointed by God to become our healer and to guide us in our earthly pilgrimage to our home in heaven. We beg you to assist us in all our undertakings and in all the trials and pain of this earthly life. We pray for constant good health physically, mentally and spiritually. We beseech you to guide always our steps that we shall walk with confidence towards our journey and enlighten us with our doubts generated by intellectual pride and worldly ambitions. St. Raphael, please present to God the following petitions:_______________.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Icon Holy Archangel Raphael Russian Style

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