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Waxy Komboskini from Greece Red/White/Blue with Blue Transluscent Bead
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Blue with Blue Transluscent Bead
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Olive White Transluscent Bead
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Turquoise with Yellow Transluscent Bead
Waxy Komboskini from Red with Red Transluscent Bead
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Dark Pink with White Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Blue White with White Transluscent Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Pink with White Transluscent Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Yellow with Yellow Transluscent Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Purple with White Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece Forest Green with White Transluscent Beads
Child Waxy Komboskini from Greece White with Blue Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece White with Blue Beads
Waxy Komboskini from Greece White with Red Beads
Waxy Bracelet with Panagia Medaillon and Red Beads
Waxy Bracelet with Panagia Medaillon and Black Beads
Waxy Bracelet with Black Cross Medaillon and Black Beads
Waxy Bracelet with Blue Cross Medaillon and Blue Beads
Waxy Bracelet with Red Cross Medaillon and Red Beads
Waxy Bracelet with IC XC NIKA Medaillon and Black Beads