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Pendent of Theotokos and Infant Christ/Golgatha Cross
Pendent of Small Byzantine Crosss Christ Crucified
Pendent of Byzantine Crosss Christ Crucified
Pendent of Our Lord and Savior Made Without Hands
Silver Plated Necklace-Holy Trinity/Cross of Calvary
Medaillon Bracelet of St. George the GreatMartyr
Medaillon Bracelet of St. Seraphim of Sarov
Medaillon Bracelet of Symbol IC XC NIKA
Medaillon Bracelet of Theotokos Infant Christ/Trinity/Archangel Michael
Medaillon Bracelet of Byzantine Eagle
Medaillon Bracelet of Holy Archangel Michael
Medaillon Bracelet of St. Nectarios of Aegina
Medaillon Bracelet of Symbol CHI RHO
Handmade bracelet with the prayer to Panagia Athonitissa
Handmade Bracelet with St. Luke Medaillon
Handmade Bracelet with St. Nicholas Medaillon
Handmade Bracelet with Theotokos/Christ/Holy Trinity/St. George Medaillon